Upon notification of a student's declaration of a Religious Studies major, the department will assign the student to a faculty member for regular advising. It is usually—though not always—possible for a student to select a particular faculty member as her or his advisor. The advisor must approve the student's course selections at each pre-registration period. This requirement allows the Department to keep students apprised of their progress toward fulfilling both University and major requirements. The advisor is a resource person, someone who can help the student plan a coherent and satisfying individual curriculum and who can provide information on course offerings and opportunities in the Department.
Advice for career planning can be sought from the career counseling services provided at the Career Center of Trinity College’s Division of Student Affairs. However, some faculty members may be of help in this respect either because of their specific knowledge of particular vocational areas or by virtue of their general familiarity with different careers. Students are encouraged to consult with their advisors about their future plans, and their advisors will help them to the best of their ability while also recommending that they use other university resources.
Some faculty members post "office hours" when they are available to meet with students without specific appointment. Otherwise, students are encouraged to contact faculty by e-mail or phone to arrange meetings.