1993 Major: Religious Studies; certificate in Women's Studies
"My decision to major in religion was not based on faith or theology, but rather on the realization that many of the most interesting and diverse classes I’d taken all cross-referenced to Religion. I knew I was headed to law school, but didn’t enjoy any of the traditional majors for that (English, Poli Sci, Philosophy, Econ, etc). I figured 3 years of law school is plenty; I don’t need 7! My classes from the Religion Dept helped break down old thought patterns, instill critical thinking skills, textual analysis skills, taught me about other cultures and civilizations and made clear that white, Judeo-Christian approaches to life’s challenges, and the world’s, were but one tiny slice of what the world’s peoples had conjured over the course of millennia."
"Break out of the mold. Try classes that will move you out of your comfort zone. Stay away from anything that might be an echo chamber for beliefs you already hold."